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This enormous list comprises those books from our stock that have so far been entered into our computer database. Please bear in mind that:
If any of the titles are of interest, please contact us for full details of availabilty, condition, price and despatch arrangements. A Partial List of Stock "BERKELEY" & ROWLAND, T.B.:Card Tricks and Puzzles.:George Bell. 1902. "BERKELEY":Draughts and Backgammon.:Bell. 1936. "BIG CHIEF I-SPY":I-Spy Wild Flowers. :News Chronicle. nd. (c.1960?) "Contact" (i.e. Alan J. Bott):An Airman's Outings.:Blackwood. 1917. "His Master's Voice":Recorded Entertainment.:The Gramophone Co. Ltd. (1953). "His Master's Voice":Recorded Music.:The Gramophone Co. Ltd. (1951). "His Master's Voice":Recorded Music.:The Gramophone Co. Ltd. 1947. "His Master's Voice":Recorded Music.:The Gramophone Co. Ltd. 1940. "Hobbes, John Oliver" (i.e. Pearl CRAIGIE):Some Emotions and a Moral.:T. Fisher Unwin. 1891. "Nirvana":Advanced Piping and Cake Designs ...:Maclaren. nd. (c.1950). "Nirvana":Decorated Cakes and Confectionery.:McLaren. nd. (c.1950). "The Motor":How to Drive a Motorcar, A Key to the Subtleties of Motoring. :Temple Press. [1914?]. "VIGILANTES" (i.e K. Zilliacus):Between Two Wars?:Penguin Books. 1939. (ARP, Hans) LAST, R.W.:Hans Arp, the Poet of Dadaism.:Oswald Wolf. 1969. (BASHFORD, Henry Howarth):Augustus Carp, Esq. by Himself ...:The Boydell Press. 1986. (BUTTOLPH, Angela and others):The Fashion Book.:Phaidon. 1998. (CARR, J.L.):Carr's Dictionary of English Queens, Kings' Wives, Celebrated Paramours ...:Kettering: J.L. Carr. 1977. (CLEESE, John):The Golden Skits of Muriel Volestrangler ...:Methuen. 1986. (COMMANDER, John):Samuel Palmer & his Circle, The Shoreham Period.:The Arts Council. 1957. (DAHL, Roald):Roald Dahl's Revolting Recipes ... compiled by Josie Fison and Felicity Dahl.:Cape. 1994. (DONALD, Chris):Roger's Profanisaurus.:John Brown Publishing Ltd. 1998. (HANCOCK, Tony):The Hancock Show. Bristol Hippodrome theatre programme.:[1960] (HMSO):Coastal Command, The Air Ministry Account ... 1939-42. :HMSO. 1943. (HMSO):Front Line 1940-41, The Official Story of the Civil Defence of Britain. :HMSO. 1942. (HOWARD, Nicholas):Costume at Castle Howard.:Castle Howard Estate Ltd. 1975. (HUMPHRIES, Barry):The Sound of Edna, Dame Edna's Family Songbook.:Chappell. 1979. (IDLE, Eric) (ed.):Monty Python's Big Red Book.:Methuen. 1982. (JONES, Terry & PALIN, Michael):Bert Fegg's Nasty Book for Boys and Girls ...:Eyre Methuen. 1974. (KAMINSKAYA, V.G.)(ed.):Mode Leningrad 1963. :Leningrad:Leningradski Dom Modeli. 1963. (KINGLAKE, Alexander William):Eothen. :Leipzig: Tauchnitz. 1846. (KUNDERA, Milan):Granta 11. Milan Kundera Issue. :Penguin Books. 1984. (MANTON, Eric):Veteran Cars, A reminder of seven representative and interesting models with a note on each. :Nottingham: Nottingham and District Technical College. 1957. (MARTEILHE, Jean):Autobiography of a French Protestant, Condemned to the Galleys for the Sake of his Religion.:RTS. nd. (c.1870). (MELLY, George & FAWKES, Wally):I, Flook ... :Macmillan. 1962. (MELLY, George & FAWKES, Wally):I, Flook ... :Macmillan. 1962. (MOSS, William):The Liverpool Guide ...:City of Liverpool. 1974. (NIXON, H.M.):Bookbindings from the Library of Jean Grolier, A Loan Exhibition ...:British Museum. 1965. (OSMAN, W.H.):Pigeons in World War II.:The Racing Pigeon Publishing Co. Ltd. 1950. (PARRY, C. Hubert H.):A Little Organ Book, In Memory of Hubert Parry.:A & C. Black. 1924. (but later issue?) (ROACH, Martin):Dr. Martens ...:Air Wair Ltd. 199. (ROBERTSON, David).:Whistle-Binkie, A Collection of Songs for the Social Circle. 2 vols. complete.:Glasgow: David Robertson. 1890. (SMITH, Howell):Brief Guide to the Peruvian Textiles.:Victoria and Albert Museum. 1926. (SURTEES, R.S.):Handley Cross, or, Mr. Jorrock's Hunt.:Methuen. 1950. (SURTEES, R.S.):Handley Cross.:Methuen. 1963. (T. Clarke):The Celestial Planisphere, or, Star Director.:T. Clark. nd. c.1850? (THOMAS, David St John) (ed.):GWR Engines: Names, Numbers, Types & Classes.:David & Charles. 1982. (THORNTON, Nicole):Poiret.:Academy Editions. 1979. (TURNER, Anthony):The Clockwork of the Heavens ... :Asprey & Company Ltd. 1973. -:A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Malvern and District ...:Ward, Lock. (1929) -:Financial Times, Issue of Tuesday March 31 1998.:Times Newspapers. 1998. -:I-Spy on a Car Journey II.:Michelin. 1993. -:Kelly's Directory of Herefordshire and Shropshire. 1905:Kelly's Directories. 1905. -:The Apocrypha ... Revised A.D. 1894:OUP. 1895. -:The Cathedral Church of St. Michael, Coventry. Guide Book. :1962. -:The Independent. No.1. :7th October 1986. -:Whitaker's Peerage ...:Whitaker. 1907. -:Who Was Who, Vol. II, 1916-1928 ...:Adam & Charles Black. 1967. -:Who's Who 1968 ...:Adam & Charles Black. 1968. [ARNIM, Elizabeth von]:The Jasmine Farm.:Heinemann. 1934. [CANTER, David]:The Cranks Recipe Book.:Orion. 1995. [DEBUSSY, Claude] MAETERLINCK, Maurice:Pelléas et Mélisande ...:Paris: Charpentier et Fasquelle. 1921. [PARKER, John (ed.)]:The Green Room Book., or, Who's Who on the Stage, 1907.:T. Sealey Clark. (1907) [RICHEY, Paul]:Fighter Pilot ... :Batsford. 1942. [SPILLING, James]:The Cockneys in the Country [and other works].:Jarrold & Sons. Undated but all ca. 1880. [STEVENS, Lt. Col. G.R. & HINGSTON, Lt. Col. W.G.]:The Tiger Kills, The Story of the Indian Divisions in the North African Campaign.:HMSO. 1944. [SURTEES, R.S.]:Ask Mamma ...:R.S. Surtees Society. 1983. [SURTEES, R.S.]:Handley Cross ...:R.S. Surtees Society. 1996. [SURTEES, R.S.]:Hawbuck Grange ...:R.S. Surtees Society. 1988. [SURTEES, R.S.]:Jorrocks' Jaunts and Jollities ...:R.S. Surtees Society. 1993. [SURTEES, R.S.]:Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour.:R.S. Surtees Society. 1993. [WHEELER, R.E.M.]:Costume.:Lancaster House. 1936. A.E. [George Russell]:The Candle of Vision, Inner Worlds of the Imagination.:Prism Press. 1990. AARONS, Edward S.:The Art Studio Murders.:New York: MacFadden-Bartell. 1967. ABBOTT, C.C.:The Sand Castle, and Other Poems.:Cape. 1946. ABELL, George O. & SINGER, Barry (eds.):Science and the Paranormal, Probing the Existence of the Supernatural.:Junction Books. 1981. ABERCROMBIE, Lascelles:Deborah, A Play in Three Acts.:John Lane, The Bodley Head. 1913. ABERCROMBIE, P.B. and others:Winter's Tales 5.:Macmillan. 1959. ABLEMAN, Paul:Dad's Army, The Defence of a Front Line English Village.:BBC. 1989. ABLEMAN, Paul:Tornado Pratt.:Gollancz. 1977. ABLEMAN, Paul:Vac.:Gollancz. 1968. ABRAHAM, Gerald (ed.):Handel, A Symposium.:OUP. 1954. ABRAMS, Charles:Housing in the Modern World ... :Faber. 1969. ABSE, Dannie (ed.):Poetry Supplement ...:Poetry Book Society. Christmas 1975. ABSE, Dannie:A Strong Dose of Myself.:Hutchinson. 1983. ABSE, Dannie:Ash on a Young Man's Sleeve.:Penguin Books. 1982. ABSE, Dannie:Funland, and other poems.:Hutchinson. 1973. ACKER, Kathy:Blood and Guts in High School, plus two.:Picador. 1984. ACKERLEY, J.R.:Hindoo Holiday. :Penguin Books. 1940. ACKERLEY, J.R.:My Father and Myself. :Bodley Head. 1969. ACKERLEY, J.R.:We Think the World of You.:Bodley Head. 1962. ACKERMAN, John (ed.):Poems '72.:Llandysul: Gwasg Gomer. 1972. ACKROYD, Peter:Albion, The Origins of the English Imagination.:Chatto & Windus. 2002. ACLAND, Sir Richard:Unser Kampf, Our Struggle.:Penguin Books. 1940. ACTON, Eliza:The People's Book of Modern Cookery ...:Monarch Book Company. nd. (c.1910?). ADAIR, Gilbert:Alice Through the Needle's Eye.:Macmillan. 1984. ADAIR, Gilbert:Peter Pan and the Only Children.:Macmillan. 1987. ADAIR, Gilbert:The Holy Innocents.:Heinemann. 1988. ADAIR, Major General Sir Allan:A Guard's General ...:Hamish Hamilton. 1986. ADAM, H.L.:C.I.D., Behind the Scenes at Scotland Yard.:Sampson Low. [1931]. ADAM, Michael:The Labour of Love.:Marazion, Cornwall: The Ark Press. ADAM, W.B. and others:Food Industries Manual, A Technical and Commercial Compendium on the Manufacture, Preserving, Packing and Storage of all Food Products.:Leonard Hill. 1941. ADAMS, Douglas & LLOYD, John:The Meaning of Liff.:Pan Books. 1983 (but later issue). ADAMS, Douglas (and others):Not 1982.:Faber. 1981. ADAMS, Douglas:Mostly Harmless:BCA. 1992. ADAMS, Douglas:So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish ...:Pan. 1984. ADAMS, Douglas:So long, and thanks for all the fish.:Pan Books. 1984. ADAMS, Douglas:So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish.:Pan. 1984. ADAMS, Douglas:The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. :Pan. 1979. ADAMS, Douglas:The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.:Pan. 1979. ADAMS, Douglas:The Illustrated Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.:Weidenfeld & Nicholson. 1994. ADAMS, Douglas:The Restaurant at the End of the Universe ... :Pan. 1980. ADAMs, J. Frederick:How to Draw Churches & Cathedrals. :The Studio. 1947. ADAMS, Joey:The Curtain Never Falls.:New York: Popular Library. 1950. ADAMS, Richard & ALDRIDGE, Alan: ... The Ship's Cat ... :Cape. 1977. ADAMS, Richard & ALDRIDGE, Alan:The Adventures and Brave Deeds of the Ship's Cat ...:Cape. 1977. ADAMS, Richard & BAYLEY, Nicola:The Tiger Voyage. :Cape. 1976. ADAMS, Richard:Nature Day and Night.:Kestrel Books. 1978. ADAMS, Richard:The Adventures & Brave Deeds of The Ship's Cat ...:Cape. 1977. ADAMS, Richard:The Girl in a Swing.:Penguin Books. 1980. ADAMS, Richard:The Legend of Te Tuna.:Sidgwick & Jackson. 1986. ADAMS, Richard:The Plague Dogs. :Allen Lane. 1977. ADAMS, Richard:The Plague Dogs. :Allen Lane. 1977. ADAMS, Richard:The Ship's Cat ... :Cape. 1977. ADAMS, Richard:The Tyger Voyage.:Cape. 1976. ADAMS, Richard:The Watership Down Film Picture Book.:Penguin Books. 1978. ADAMS, Sam:Geraint Goodwin.:University of Wales Press. 1975. ADAMS, William Howard:The French Garden, 1500-1800.:Scolar Press. 1979. ADAMSON, Iain:The Old Fox..:Muller. 1963. ADBURGHAM, Alison:View of Fashion.:Allen & Unwin. 1966. ADCOCK, Almey St. John:Winter Wheat.:Faber & Gwyer. 1926. ADCOCK, Fleur:The Incident Book.:OUP. 1986. ADDISON, Willam:Suffolk.:Hale. 1950. ADLARD, John:Christmas with Count Stenbock.:Enitharmon Press. 1980. ADLEY, Robert:In Search of Steam, 1962-68.:Blandford. 1982. ADRIENNE:Le Gimmick, Français parlé ...:Hutchinson. 1978. ADROSKO, Rita J.:Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing.:New York: Dover. 1971. AESCHYLUS:Prometheus Bound, The Suppliants, Seven Against Thebes, The Persians.:Penguin Books. 1964. AESOP:Fables of Aesop, trans. by S.A. Handford ... :Penguin Books. 1961. AGATE, James:A Shorter Ego, First Selection.:Readers Union. 1946. AGATE, James:A Shorter Ego, Second Selection.:Readers Union. 1947. AGATE, James:A Shorter Ego, Volume Three ...:Harrap. 1949. AGATE, James:Bad Manners.:John Miles. 1938. AGATE, James:Thus to Revisit ...:Home & Van Thal. 1947. AGNEW, Georgette:Let's Pretend.:J. Saville. 1927. AGUTTER, Jenny:Snap, Observations of Los Angeles and London. :Quartet. 1983. AHLBERG, Allan:Please Mrs. Buutler.:Puffin Books. 1984 (but later issue). AHLBERG, Allan:The Giant Baby.:Viking. 1994. AHLBERG, Janet & Allan:Burglar Bill. :Collins. 1979. AIKEN, Conrad:A Seizure of Limericks.:W.H. Allen. 1965. AIKEN, Joan & PIENKOWSKI, Jan:A Foot in the Grave.:Cape. 1989. AIKEN, Joan:All But a Few.:Puffin Books. 1976. AIKEN, Joan:Mortimer and the Sword Excalibur.:BBC Books. 1990. AIKEN, Joan:Tale of a One-Way Street, and other stories.:Cape. 1978. AIKEN, Joan:The Embroidered Sunset.:Gollancz. 1970. AIKEN, Joan:The Last Slice of Rainbow.:New York: Harper & Row. 1988. AIKEN, Joan:The Wolves of Willoughby Chase.:Puffins Books. 1988. AIKEN, John; AIKEN, Joan & HODGE, Jane Aiken:Conrad Aiken Remembered.:Rye: Anthony Neville. 1989. Air Ministry:Elementary Flying Training.:HMSO. 1943. Air Ministry:Elementary Flying Training.:HMSO. 1943. AKERS-DOUGLAS, Frank & Julian:Corporal Haggis, The Wartime Story of a Muscovy Duck ...:Lewes: The Book Guild. 1996. ALAIN, Jehan:Trois Pièces pour Grand Orgue.:Paris: Leduc. c.1980. ALAIN-FOURNIER:Le Grand Meaulnes. :Paris: Emile-Paul. (1967). ALAIN-FOURNIER:Le Grand Meaulnes.:Harrap. 1980. ALAIN-FOURNIER:Le Grand Meaulnes.:Paris: Émile-Paul. 1964. ALAIN-FOURNIER:Le Grand Meaulnes.:Paris: Emile-Paul. 1969. ALAVAREZ, A.; FULLER, Roy, and THWAITE, Anthony:Penguin Modern Poets, 18.:Penguin Books. 1970. ALCOCK, Bill:A Locoman's Log, 1937-85, Steam and Diesel Footplate Life.:Silver Link Publishing. 1997. ALCOCK, Leslie:Arthur's Britain, History and Archaeology AD 367-634.:Penguin Books. 1973. AL-DAFFA', Ali Abdullah:The Muslim Contribution to Mathematics.:Croom Helm. 1977. ALDINGTON, Richard (trans.) De GOURMONT, Remy:Letters to the Amazon.:Chatto & Windus. 1931. ALDINGTON, Richard:Artifex, Sketches and Ideas.:Chatto & Windus. 1935. ALDINGTON, Richard:The Colonel's Daughter.:Chatto & Windus. 1931. ALDINGTON, Richard:The Colonel's Daughter.:Chatto & Windus. 1931. ALDINGTON, Richard:The Romance of Casanova.:Heinemann. 1946. ALDINGTON, Richard:Very Heaven.:Heinemann. 1937. ALDISS, Brian W.:Billion Year Spree, The History of Science Fiction.:Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1973. ALDISS, Brian:Billion Year Spree, The History of Science Fiction.:Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1973. ALDISS, Brian:Bury my Heart at W.H. Smith's ... A Writing Life.:Hodder & Stoughton. 1990. ALDISS, Brian:Cracken at Critical.:Kerosina Books. 1987. ALDISS, Brian:Enemies of the System ...:Cape. 1978. ALDISS, Brian:Non-Stop.:Faber. 1958. ALDRIDGE, Alan & PLOMER, William:The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast ...:Cape. 1973. ALDRIDGE, Alan (illuss.):The Butterfly Ball and The Grasshopper's Feast.:Cape. 1973. ALDRIDGE, Alan:Phantasia.:Cape. 1981. ALEKHINE, Alexander:My Best Games of Chess, 1924-1937.:Bell. 1939. ALEXANDER, Christine & SELLARS, Jane:The Art of the Brontës.:CUP. 1995. ALEXANDER, Jules (and others):Glamour Photography.:Minolta/Doubleday. 1982. ALFORD, Violet & GALLOP, Rodney:The Traditional Dance.:Methuen. 1935. ALGREN, Nelson:A Walk on the Wild Side.:Edinburgh: Rebel Inc. 1999. ALINGTON, C.A.:The Nabob's Jewel.:Faber. 1953. ALLAN, George A.T.:Christ's Hospital.:Ian Allan. 1949. ALLAN, Mea:E.A. Bowles & his Garden at Myddleton House 1865-1954.:Faber. 1973. ALLAN, Mea:Plants that Changed our Gardens.:David & Charles. 1974. ALLAN, Mea:Plants that Changed our Gardens.:David & Charles. 1974. ALLDAY, D. Helen:Insurrection in Wales ... :Lavenham: Dalton. 1981. ALLEN, Cecil J.:British Pacific Locomotives.:Ian Allan. 1963. ALLEN, Cecil J.:The Locomotive Exchanges, 1870-1948.:Ian Allan. 1950. ALLEN, Cecil J.:The London & North Eastern Railway.:Ian Allan. 1966. ALLEN, David Elliston:The Naturalist in Britain, A Social History.:Penguin Books. 1978. ALLEN, F.L.:Only Yesterday, An Informal History of the Nineteen-Twenties in America. 2 vols. complete.:Penguin Books. 1938. ALLEN, John:Denis Compton, Our Greatest All-round Sportsman.:Pitkin. nd. (c.1950). ALLEN, Walter:The English Novel, A Short Critical History.:Penguin Books. 1960. ALLILUYEVA, Svetlana:20 Letters to a Friend.:Hutchinson. 1967. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Black Plumes.:Penguin Books. 1950. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Coroner's Pidgin.:Penguin Books. 1950. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Dance of the Years.:Michael Joseph. 1943. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Flowers for the Judge.:Penguin Books. 1988. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Look to the Lady.:Penguin Books. 1950. ALLINGHAM, Margery:More Work for the Undertaker.:Penguin Books. 1954. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Mystery Mile.:Penguin Books. 1950. ALLINGHAM, Margery:No Love Lost. :Penguin Books. 1960. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Police at the Funeral.:Penguin Books. 1939. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Police at the Funeral.:Penguin Books. 1961. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Police at the Funeral.:Penguin Books. 1987. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Sweet Danger.:Penguin Books. 1950. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Sweet Danger.:Penguin Books. 1951. ALLINGHAM, Margery:Sweet Danger.:Penguin Books. 1987. ALLINGHAM, Margery:The Beckoning Lady.:Penguin Books. 1960. ALLINGHAM, Margery:The Crime at Black Dudley.:Penguin Books. 1950. ALLINGHAM, Margery:The Crime at Black Dudley.:Penguin Books. 1961. ALLINGHAM, Margery:The Mind Readers.:Chatto & Windus. 1965. ALLINGHAM, Margery:The Mind Readers.:Chatto & Windus. 1965. ALLINGHAM, Margery:The Tiger in the Smoke.:Chatto & Windus. 1952. ALLINGHAM, Margery:The Tiger in the Smoke.:Penguin Books. 1972. ALLISON, John:Edward Elgar, Sacred Music.:Bridgend: Seren. 1994. ALLISON, William & FAIRLEY, John:The Monocled Mutineer. :Quartet. 1986. ALLISON, William & FAIRLEY, John:The Monocled Mutineer.:Quartet. 1978. ALLOTT, Kenneth (ed.):The Penguin Book of Contemporary Verse. :Penguin Books. 1960. ALVARADO, Manuel & TULLOCH, John:Doctor Who, The Unfolding Text.:Macmillan. 1984. ALVAREZ, A.:Hers.:Weidenfeld & Niccolson. 1974. AMBLER, Eric:Here Lies, An Autobiography.:Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1985. AMBLER, Eric:Passage of Arms.:Heinemann. 1959. AMBLER, Eric:The Ability to Kill, and Other Pieces.:Bodley Head. 1963. AMBROSE, Stephen E.:Band of Brothers ...:Pocket Books. 2001. AMIES, Hardy:Just So Far.:Collins. 1954. AMIES, Hardy:Still Here, An Autobiography.:Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1984. AMIS, Kingsley (ed.):The Golden Age of Science Fiction.:Hutchinson. 1981. AMIS, Kingsley (introd.) DOXAT, John:Stirred - Not Shaken, The Dry Martini.:Hutchinson Benham. 1976. AMIS, Kingsley and others:Winter's Tales 1.:Macmillan. 1955. AMIS, Kingsley:A Liking for Women. 2pp. contribution to "For Someone Else's Son".:BBC. 1963. AMIS, Kingsley:Difficulties with Girls.:Hutchinson. 1988. AMIS, Kingsley:Every Day Drinking.:Hutchinson. 1983. AMIS, Kingsley:Girl, 20:Cape. 1971. AMIS, Kingsley:I Like It Here. :Gollancz. 1958. AMIS, Kingsley:Jake's Thing.:BCA. 1979. AMIS, Kingsley:New Maps of Hell, A Survey of Science Fiction.:Gollancz. 1961. AMIS, Kingsley:On Drink. :Cape. 1973. AMIS, Kingsley:On Drink.:Cape. 1972. AMIS, Kingsley:On Drink.:Cape. 1972. AMIS, Kingsley:One Fat Englishman. :Gollancz. 1963. AMIS, Kingsley:One Fat Englishman.:Penguin Books. 1985. Amis, Kingsley:Stanley and the Women.:Penguin Books. 1985. AMIS, Kingsley:Take a Girl Like You.:Gollancz. 1960. AMIS, Kingsley:The Alteration.:Cape. 1976. AMIS, Kingsley:The Anti-Death League.:Penguin Books. 1968. AMIS, Kingsley:The Crime of the Century.:Dent. 1987. AMIS, Kingsley:The Crime of the Century.:Dent. 1987. AMIS, Kingsley:The Crime of the Century.:Dent. 1987. AMIS, Kingsley:The Evans Country.:Fantasy Press. 1962. AMIS, Kingsley:The Old Devils.:Hutchinson. 1986. AMIS, Kingsley:We Are All Guilty.:Reinhardt. 1991. AMIS, Martin:Dead Babies.:Cape. 1975. AMIS, Martin:Dead Babies.:Penguin Books. 1984. AMIS, Martin:London Fields.:Penguin Books. 1990. AMIS, Martin:Money.:Penguin Books. 1986. AMIS, Martin:The Rachel Papers.:Penguin Books. 1984 (but later issue). AMIS, Martin:The Rachel Papers.:Penguin Books. 1986. AMIS, Martin:Time's Arrow ...:Cape. 1991. AMOS, William:The Originals, An A-Z of Fiction's Real-Life Characters.:Little, Brown & Co. 1985. 'An Apprentice of Lincoln's Inn' [i.e. Frederick Pollock]:Leading Cases Done into English.:Macmillan. 1876. ANDERSON, Clive:Patent Nonsense, A Catalogue of Inventions that Failed to Change the World.:Michael Joseph. 1994. ANDERSON, John Redwood.:Paris Symphony.:Harrap. 1947. ANDERSON, M.D.:Design for a Journey. :C.U.P. 1940. ANDERSON, Poul:Ensign Flandry.:Severn House. 1977. ANDERSON, Poul:The Enemy Stars.:Lippincott. 1958. ANDREWS, Allen:The Mad Motorists, The Great Peking-Paris Race of '07. :Harrap. 1980. ANDREWS, Allen:The Whisky Barons.:Jupiter Books. 1977. ANDREWS, Richard & SCHELLENBERGER, Paul:The Tomb of God ...:Little, Brown & Co. 1996. ANDRZEYEVSKI, George:The Inquisitors.:Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1960. ANGELL, Norman:Foreign Policy and our Daily Bread.:Collins. 1925. ANGELL, Norman:The Press and the Organisation of Society.:Labour Publishing Company. 1922. ANGELL, Norman:The Public Mind, Its Disorders, Its Exploitation.:Noel Douglas. 1926. ANGELL, Norman:Why Freedom Matters.:Penguin Books. 1940. ANGER, Kenneth:Hollywood Babylon. :Arrow. 1986. ANNAN, Noel:Leslie Stephen, The Godless Victorian. :New York: Random House. 1984. ANOBILE, Richard J. (ed.):Why a Duck? ... gems from the Marx Brothers' movies.:Studio Vista. 1974. Anon.:Cassell's Book of In-Door Amusements, Card Games, and Fireside Fun.:Cassell. 1973. Anon.:Clark's Embroidery Stitches.:Paisley: J. & P Coats. nd. (c.1950?). Anon.:L'Année Poétique, Recueil de Poésies arrangées pour Jours de Naissance.:Neuchatel/Paris: Delachaux/Monnerat. c.1895. Anon.:Parlour Magic, A Manual of Amusing Experiments, Transmutations, Sleights and Subtleties, Legerdemain, &c. for the Instruction and Amusement of Youth.:W. Kent (late D. Bogue). 1858. Anon.:Sarah Martin, The Prison-Visitor of Great Yarmouth ...:RTS. nd. [1872]. Anon.:Science in War.:Penguin Books. 1940. Anon.:The Altar of Venus. :Guild Publishing. 1987. Anon.:The Imperial Dream-Book and Fortune-Teller.:Smith. nd. (c.1890?) Anon:International Photo-Contest's Manual of Glamour Photography.:Birkenhead: Liverpolitan. nd. (c.1960) Anon:Northern Echo Cookery Book, 500 Prize Recipes.:Northern Echo. nd. (c.1910?). Anon:The Pearl, [Volume 3] A Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading, Further Selections from Vols. 1 - 18, July 1879-December 1880 ... with some items from 'The Oyster'.:New English Library. 1984. Anon:The Pearl, A Journal of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading, Selections from Vols. 1 - 18, July 1879-December 1880.:New English Library. 1985. Anonymous:Beatrice.:Star. 1983. ANOUILH, Jean:Becket ...:Paris: La Table Ronde. 1970. ANOUILH, Jean:Becket ...:Paris: Livre de Poche. 1969. ANOUILH, Jean:Eurydice [and] Romeo et Jeannette.:Paris: La Table Ronde. 1971. ANOUILH, Jean:Le Voyageur sans Bagages, suivi de, Le Bal des Voleurs.:Paris: Table Ronde. 1966. ANSTEY, F.:Humour & Fantasy ...:John Murray. 1931. ANSTEY, F.:Vice Versa.:Puffin Books. 1981. ANSTEY, Frank:Red Europe.:Socialist Labour Press. 1921. ANTHONY, Gordon:Beryl Grey.:Phoenix House. 1952. ANTHONY, Gordon:Margot Fonteyn.:Phoenix House. 1950. ANTHONY, Gordon:Margot Fonteyn.:Phoenix House. 1950. ANTHONY, John:The Gardens of Britain 6, The East Midlands: Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire.:Batsford. 1979. APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume:Alcools ...:Paris: Galiimard. 1966. APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume:Calligrammes ...:Paris: Gallimard. 1981. APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume:Selected Poems ...:Penguin Books. 1965. APOLLONIO, Umbro (ed.):Futurist Manifestos.:Thames & Hudson. 1973. APPLETON, Victor:The Moving Picture Boys, or, The Perils of a Great City Depicted.:New York: Grosset & Dunlap. 1913. ARBEAU, Thoinot:Orchesography.:New York: Dover. 1967. ARCH, Nigel & MARSCHNER, Joanna:Splendour at Court, Dressing for Royal Occasions since 1700.:Unwin Hyman. 1987. ARCHER, Fred:By Hook and by Crook. :Hodder & Stoughton. 1978. ARCHER, Fred:Golden Sheaves, Black Horses. :Readers Union. 1975. ARCHER, Fred:Hawthorn Hedge Country. :Country Book Club. 1972. ARDEN, John:Plays: One.:Eyre Methuen. 1977. ARDEN, John:Silence among the Weapons ...:Methuen. 1982. ARDEN, John:Three Plays: The Waters of Babylon, Live Like Pigs, The Happy Haven.:Penguin Books. 1964. ARDIZZONE, Edward:Three 45pm records of 'Tim' stories.:Delysé Recording Company. 1964. ARISTOPHANES:The Frogs, and Other Plays trans. ... by David Barrett.:Penguin Books. 1964. ARLEN, Michael J.:Exiles.:Deutsch. 1971. ARLEN, Michael:Lily Christine.:Hutchinson. [1929]. ARLOTT, John (ed.):The Oxford Companion to Sports and Games. :OUP. 1975. ARLOTT, John:Days at the Cricket.:Longmans. 1951. ARLOTT, John:How to Watch Cricket. :Collins. 1983. ARMOUR, Margaret (trans.):The Nibelungenlied.:Dent. 1952. ARMSTRONG, Anthony & RAFF:Prune's Progress ... Pilot-Officer Percy Prune.:Herbert Jenkins. [1942]. ARMSTRONG, H.C.:Grey Wolf, Mustafa Kemel ...:Penguin Books. 1939. ARMSTRONG, Tim:Colour Perception, A Practical Approach to Colour Theory.:Tarquin. 1996. ARNOLD, Denis:Monteverdi.:Dent. 1978. ARNOLD, Matthew:Poetical Works. (Complete).:OUP. 1969. ARNOLD, Percy:The Bankers of London.:Hogarth Press. 1938. ARONSON, James and others:Leo Huberman ... A Memorial Service and Meeting of Friends ...:New York: Monthly Review Press. 1968. ASH, Brian:Tiger in Your Tank, The Anatomy of an Advertising Campaign. :Cassell. 1969. ASH, Brian:Tiger in Your Tank, The Anatomy of an Advertising Campaign. :Cassell. 1969. 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